ALDI Coverage Maps

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Aldi mobile plans telstra network MVNO

Aldi Mobile coverage maps depict mobile phone coverage, mobile broadband speeds and coverage areas.

Aldi uses part of the Telstra Next-G network (under an MVNO agreement) to provides 3G coverage to 97% of Australia's population - 6,600 Telstra 850MHz sites - identical to Kogan Mobile.

Aldi 3G Mobile Broadband Speeds

While 3G services are available across Aldi's entire network, only UMTS HSPA category 8 level services (16QAM) are provided.

As a result, connections are speed limited to a maximum download of 7.2Mbps with an average speed of about 3-4Mbps.

This speed is comparable to normal home ADSL broadband, and is fast enough to stream YouTube video on standard quality settings.


Aldi trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Coverage maps are displayed for educational purposes only. Impartial review and criticism of carrier network coverage is an attempt to better inform the public about the technical differences between networks. All content displayed within HTML iframes remains the property of, and accuracy of which remains the sole responsibility of, the respective network carrier.